
Welcome to my homepage!

This thing is a real work in progress...

Academic stuff:
Here is a link to my work site (UWP)
Here is a link to my papers (and my huge h-index...)
Our Point-and-Click Streamflow Generator for the Connecticut River Watershed (now in Alpha)
Fish Passage Conference Webpage
My CV and dissertation in case you felt like falling asleep

Random Bits
Below are some links to models I have coded into R
Let me know if there is something wrong with them, please use at your own risk...
SAC-SMA Model (I validated this against someone elses code)
Snow17 Model (Needs to be validated)
ABCDE Model (I ripped off the calibration code from Felix Andrews/HydroMad

My Useful Links
R Card
Helsel and Hirsch Stats in Water Resources

Personal Stuff
If you have nothing better to do check out the Yellowstone blog my wife and I updated about living there
Or our awesome photostream!

Here is Ilija with his mom at Acadia National Park
Ilija with Mom

Here is Ilija with his dad at Acadia National Park
Ilija with Dad

Can you tell who is who?
Austin Ilija

Boy and Dog at Work
Boy and Dog

Family on Mt Washburn!
Boy and Dog